Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Irony of a pot head.

I was doing some research work on quit smoking weed programs and got this featured post in

The post heading goes as "Isn't It Ironic"
  Here's the link to the original post

Isn’t It Ironic? Marijuana May Be the Cure for Lung Cancer

 The post tries to tell you that there has been a study in the US somewhere, (which is not stated by who, where did it and no viable reports available) that they studied  and found out that THC cures lung cancer in lab rats.

The post ends with the following note:

"Note: Inhaling marijuana smoke is actually bad for your lungs. Only the controlled administration of the THC compound was shown to treat lung cancer in lab animals (not party animals)."

I went to the comment section on the first featuring site to see what they think. 

irony of a pothead post

irony of a pothead comments

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Why is marijuana not legal.

One of the main reasons you should consider in your attempt to quit weed is it being not legal. Possession of weed in any quantity is a serious offense (felony) in many countries, and would put you through a great deal of hardship to recover if caught.

But the question "Why is Marijuana illegal and alcohol or tobacco is not" lies with everybody who likes to use Marijuana. 

Its true the comparison is legitimate and rationale.  There are many cases of people going over board of the socially accepted means of getting high. (i.e alcohol and tobacco) Which put this ban on Marijuana seem foolish and baseless.

In history, we find that the widespread ban on marijuana started in late 1920's and early 1930's where Mexican immigrants were seen to be getting endless power from smoking weed. Being immigrants they were thought of as second class citizens and for them to have access to something the first class people didnt want to understand meant prohibitions. Prohibitions by means of law passed by the same first class whites. It was used to insist on the power the land owners had above the workers. There was another side to this. Large scale land owners didnt like the small land owners using cheap immigrant labor. They had the power to use lawmakers to dismiss this new threat.

Hemp was also outperforming cotton, that lead to the powerful cotton manufactures taking steps to ban Marijuana.

Wikipedia has a good article on the history of weed below.

Any how, in summary weed was banned because the rich didnt like it and the poor couldn't afford anything else. Sounds Familiar? 

In the current context, weed is banned due to the industry it is run on and its abusers in society and most of all the crimes it involves. Drug lords, gang activity, money laundering, exploiting laborers, teenagers high on weed, shoot outs, burglaries etc. and the whole grower to consumer channels and methods used are deemed illegal in every sense there is to it. However, you might think "it is like that because it is illegal, and if you legalize it it can be done in a legal manner like coca cola sends bottles to your supermarket".

It is much more complicated than that, The industry is made in such away that it needs to be illegal for its existence. What would the drug lords do if it was illegal? make a tax paying multinational company like Marlboro? What would the weed peddler do, sell lottery tickets?  There are a lot of people making money just because it is illegal. Including, the pharmaceuticals, alcohol and tobacco companies. It wont be easy.  
Its like telling your parents, to paint the house purple or you need freedom. Its just the way things are.

History, is History now move to the future.

What if we legalize weed, lets see


  1. The drug generally isn't more harmful than alcohol or tobacco if used in moderation.
  2. Limiting the use of the drug intrudes on personal freedom.
  3. Legalization would mean a lower price; thus, related crimes (like theft) would be reduced.
  4. There are medical benefits such as the those for cancer patients.
  5. Street justice related to drug disputes would be reduced.
  6. It could be a source of additional tax revenues.
  7. Police and court resources would be freed up for more serious crimes.
  8. Drug dealers (including some terrorists) would lose most or all of their business.
  9. The FDA or others could regulate the quality and safety of drugs.
  10. Like sex, alcohol, or cigarettes, marijuana is one of life's little pleasures for some people.
  11. Aside from recreational drug use, Cannabis has several industrial and commercial uses, as over 25,000 products can be made from the crop.
  12. Drug busts often trap young people in a flawed system that turns them into lifelong criminals.
  1. Marijuana is often used as a stepping-stone drug, leading to heroin, cocaine, or other harder drugs.
  2. Stoned driving and other dangers would be increased.
  3. Some consider use of the drug as morally wrong.
  4. Legalization would increase the chances of the drug falling into the hands of kids.
  5. Because of drug-related arrests, people who have committed or are likely to commit more serious crimes can be taken off the streets.
  6. Physical damage would be done to users that abuse the drug.
  7. More widespread use would increase the dangers of secondhand smoke-damage to bystanders.
  8. Legalization of marijuana could eventually lead to the legalization of harder drugs or all drugs altogether.

What do you think? Are there more to it?

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Self help hypnosis for relaxing and meditation to quit weed.

Sit down, take your shoes off and listen to this video track from to help you get over that uneasiness or that craving to have a smoke session. This is the first time I'm sharing a video on this blog and also anything on meditation techniques. I hope it helps you to relax and meditate in order to suppress that craving you are bound face when you quit smoking weed.

If you can do this every time you get the craving to smoke weed, it will help you to get away from that desire deep within.

This is a basic method of relaxation used to supress negative thoughts in the mind and inner brain activity. It may be anger, a craving to have a sweet or smoking, or even a thought to go slap someone right across the face with a chair, twice.

If you get you use this meditation technique for 3-5 mins you can come over it. Guaranteed.

The first few times you might want to listen to the track, until you get the hang of it. After sometime you will get used to it and would be able to just walk to a corner touch a tree or some organic thing, even grass or the soil and do the meditation. When you excel at it, you can look at a wall and do it.

Your mind is where your addiction is. Especially a habitual addiction like smoking weed. If you attack your thought with this method you can easily work your way through it. Good luck..

Keep reading... more posts to come very soon.

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Friday, May 10, 2013

No More!! - Reasons to Quit Weed for Good.

Here is a list of things, that you might consider to quit smoking pot ever again. It can be a combination of things here or even a single reason that has effected you.


1)  Hard earned money spent on weed.
2)  Health issues you have to face later.
3)  Time you wasted on weed.
4)  Risk you have to face buying weed and keeping it.
5)  Missed opportunities because you were high.
6)  Embarrassment in front of family members and total strangers.
7)  Stupid ideas of life and nature.
8)  Socializing and associating with negative people.
9)  Situations of people taking advantage of you.
10) Messed up life.


1)  Enough Cash for things you could never afford before.
2)  Worries about getting struck by a heart attack or stroke in your 30s or 40s.
3)  More time on finishing your current task and doing more things in life.
4)  Worries of ending up in jail or hospital.
5)  Take any opportunity head on, be it a girl you like or a business deal.
6)  Gain respect and attention of your family members and children and even a smiling passing stranger. 
7)  Reality check on life. work hard, don't complain, plan and execute.
8)  Socialize with people who can put you up, add to your knowledge and help you out.
9)  Be aware and take rational decisions.
10) Clean life to be proud of. (Beginning from your room)

There can be and will be more to it. The first step toward a weed free life starts with the desire to quit smoking pot.
If you don't have the desire to quit smoking pot, You will always revert back.
Before you start your journey of stopping weed smoking, you should take a paper and write down the things that it will change in your life and the things that add to your life if you take this journey

Remember, Its a personal thing "quitting weed", If you want it, you need to desire it. Being aware of the changes it brings will help you to make the desire and keep you motivated.

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."
Mario Andretti  

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